Whether you work from home full time or use your home office for paying bills and managing household accounts, you may find yourself drowning under piles of papers and other items. A messy desk could be hiding more than just your eyeglasses, it could also be affecting your productivity. Organizing and decluttering your desk can help you stay on track. If you are tired of drowning under piles of papers, here are a few tips to get you on your way to creating an organized and clutter-free desk.
Make the Time
We are all short on time and it may seem like you are too busy doing everything else to take a moment to do this one thing for yourself. Check your calendar and block off 30 minutes or an hour for organizing and decluttering. If it motivates you, you can announce your intention to the world—then you almost have to follow through. You can also announce when you have completed your mission and receive the accolades you deserve for all your hard work.
Organize the Top of Your Desk
Whether you tackle it first or last, the hardest thing to do is to clear as much as you can from the top of your desk. Although this may be difficult if you are short on storage space, clear away all loose papers, pens, and paperclips. For example, The Note-Worthy Desk from the Dogwood Collection for Paula Deen Home helps your stay decluttered by giving you the option of stowing your keyboard in a special pull-out keyboard drawer.
The style of the desk automatically makes your office look neater and more organized. There is no room for extraneous items, so you are forced to ruthlessly file, stow, or throw anything that doesn’t have a purpose. As you are decluttering, you’ll need folders, boxes, and shelves for storage—this will also keep your desk free and clear. It can take anywhere from 21 to 66 days to form a new habit, so hang a sticky note on your computer to remind you to keep everything in its place and not just leave things lying around.
Make a Place for Everything
Make a place for any items that are important for you to keep as work on your decluttering. Do not create a pile to put away later, that almost never happens and you’re likely to pile back on your desk. Invest in shelving and use pretty baskets that match your style and don’t skimp on the quality—you’ll want something that will stand up to the amount of use you will get out of them. Add any knick-knacks, books, and mementoes that inspire you to the shelves and stow everything else somewhere else in the house.
In addition to the pull-out keyboard drawer, The Note-Worthy Desk has two additional drawers where you can store any essential office supplies such as pens, post-it notes, and note pads. You can also store devices that are not in use, or set up a charging station using the power outlet inside the one of the drawers. Or consider going wireless if possible, cords are dust magnets and often play a starring role in coffee mug spills. Keep a few items on the top of the desk, the thought is to look warm, clean, and clutter free, not bare, stark, and cold.
When deciding how you want to reorganize, keep in mind your work flow—make sure you have those items you use often at your finger tip and store out of sight important but possibly less used papers. The more consistent you are with sticking to your new system, the easier it will be to stay decluttered. Spend 15 minutes a week, or 5 minutes each day toward keeping your desk neat and clean and it will stay clear for good.
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